API Queries in OpenRefine


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • How do I fetch data from an Application Programming Interface (API) to be used in OpenRefine?

  • Understand how to fetch data from online sources in OpenRefine

  • Explain how to parse JSON data in OpenRefine

Fetching data from the web

OpenRefine has built-in functions for accessing data through APIs. We can use the function “Add columns by fetching URLs” to pass :

Screenshot of OpenRefine

We will be using the data in File1.xlsx. The column named ‘ISBN’ contains ISBNs we can use to search the Voyager API. We can request the catalog data about the resource and add that data to our Excel file.

Let’s fetch data from Voyager

  1. Create a new project in OpenRefine using File1.xlsx
  2. Select column ISBN -> ‘Edit column’ -> ‘Add column by fetching URLs…’
  3. Name new column VoyagerData
  4. Change ‘Throttle delay’ from 5000 -> 300
  5. Add the expression: "https://libapp.library.yale.edu/VoySearch/GetBibItem?isxn=" + value
  6. Click ‘OK’

Screenshot of Voyager API query

New GREL Functions

In addition to the functions we’ve already covered in the OpenRefine Lesson, these GREL functions will help you complete the exercises in this lesson. You can find the link to the documentation for each function below:

Parse JSON results

Our Voyager API query returns results in JSON format as a single cell in our excel spreadsheet. We can use OpenRefine to parse this JSON to pull out catalog data and insert this data in our spreadsheet.

Screenshot of a sample JSON file

Let’s find the Call Number

Let’s pull out the Publisher form our JSON results and add it to a new column called Publisher:

  1. Create a new project using the file File1-VoyagerJSON.xlsx
  2. Select VoyagerData -> ‘Edit column’ -> ‘Add column based on this column…’
  3. New column name: Publisher
  4. Add the expression: value.parseJson().record[0].publisher
  5. Click ‘OK’. We should have a new column in our data with the publisher for each item.
  1. Create a new column called BibId with the bibid for each item. What steps did you take?
  2. What steps would you take to create a new column called HandleLink which is a link to the catalog record for that item? (hint: "http://hdl.handle.net/10079/bibid/" + ?)


  1. Select VoyagerData -> ‘Edit column’ -> ‘Add column based on this column…’
    • New column name: BibId
    • Add the expression: value.parseJson().record[0].bibid
    • Click ‘OK’
  2. Select BibId -> ‘Edit column’ -> ‘Add column based on this column…’
    • New column name: HandleLink
    • Add the expression: "http://hdl.handle.net/10079/bibid/" + value
    • Click ‘OK’

Working with arrays

Many times when working with JSON or XML results, we need to work with an array (or list) of data. To pull out each value in an array, we use a forEach( ) loop (like the Shell for loop). The next exercise will help us understand how to use the forEach() function.

Return a JSON array or list

Let’s work with an array of data in JSON. We will find the location of each item in the record and save those values in a new column.

  1. Select VoyagerData -> ‘Edit column’ -> ‘Add column based on this column…’
  2. New column name: Location
  3. Add the expression: forEach(value.parseJson().record[0].items,v,v.loccode).join(" | ")
    • forEach() takes 3 arguements: an array, a variable, and variable.function()
    • value.parseJson().record[0].items is our array
    • v is our variable
    • v.loccode is our function
  4. Click ‘OK’. We should have a new column in our data with an array of values.

Fetch MARCXML records

The voyager API can also return MARCXML from certain queries. We’ll use a different base URL for our next query to retrive XML: https://libapp.library.yale.edu/VoySearch/GetBibMarc?bibid=

Let’s fetch MARCXML from Voyager

  1. Select column BibId -> ‘Edit column’ -> ‘Add column by fetching URLs…’
  2. Name new column MARCXML
  3. Change ‘Throttle delay’ from 5000 -> 300
  4. Add the expression: "https://libapp.library.yale.edu/VoySearch/GetBibMarc?bibid=" + value
  5. Click ‘OK’

Parse XML results

Our Voyager API query returns reults in MARCXML format for each item in a single cell. We can parse the XML like we did previously with JSON.

Parse MARCXML results

We need to parse the MARCXML to pull out data about each item. The steps below will walk through creating a new column that contains the Call Number for each item in our dataset.

  1. Select column MARCXML -> ‘Edit column’ -> ‘Add column based on this column…’
  2. Name new column: CallNo
  3. Add the expression (don’t click OK yet): value.parseXml().select("datafield[tag=050]")
    • We use select() to select the element with the Call number.
    • The Call number is found in an element called datafield with an attribute called tag that is equal to 050.
    • The preview shows us our results. We should see an array of a single XML element that contain a Call Number.
  4. To get just the CallNo, we need to access the first, and only, item in our array. Add [0] to the end of your expression to find the item at the zeroth index position.
  5. To escape the XML tags, we add the function xmlText() to our expression. We should be left with just the Call Number.
  6. Your full expressions should now read: value.parseXml().select("datafield[tag=050]")[0].xmlText(). Click ‘OK’.

Key Points

  • You can augment existing data in OpenRefine with ‘Add column by fetching URLs

  • JSON or XML results can be parsed within OpenRefine